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  Product Price Quantity Total  

Farishto ki Duaen Dilaanay Walay 40 Amaal

Rs 1,217
Rs 1,217

Bianat Maulana Tariq Jameel

Rs 1,250
Rs 1,250

Naseem Hadayt Kay Jhonkaein

Rs 1,800
Rs 1,800

Siratun Nabi (p.b.u.h) English (complete set 7 volumes)

Rs 17,500
Rs 17,500

Tabarrukat e nabvi ka Tasweeri Album

Rs 8,366
Rs 8,366

Reasons of Revelation of the Glorious Quran

Rs 2,000
Rs 2,000

The Status Of Play In Light Of Shariya

Rs 700
Rs 700

Shariah And Tariqat

Rs 1,250
Rs 1,250

Quran Hakeem Jild 2 Molana Syed Shabeer Ahmad

Rs 1,600
Rs 1,600

Mukammal Masail e Zakat

Rs 532
Rs 532

Islahi Khutbaat (vol-20)

Rs 15,002
Rs 15,002

Islam Ka Muasharti Nizam

Rs 1,217
Rs 1,217

Pyaaray Nabi ka husn e salook

Rs 950
Rs 950

A Book of Salah with Masnoon Duas

Rs 532
Rs 532

Stories From Quran Vol.1,2

Rs 4,500
Rs 4,500

Paighambar Islam or Tijarat

Rs 1,400
Rs 1,400

Islamic Banking & Murabaha

Rs 1,600
Rs 1,600

Tohfa al Mareez

Rs 1,400
Rs 1,400

Haqook ul Ibaad

Rs 923
Rs 923

Ahl-e-Emaan Ki Zimadarian

Rs 1,450
Rs 1,450

Hayatus Sahabah English (3Vls)

Rs 7,500
Rs 7,500

Qasas ul Anbia (A.S)

Rs 2,500
Rs 2,500

Misbahul Lughat

Rs 1,825
Rs 1,825

Quran Kareem 15 line (sada) (Ref#34)

Rs 550
Rs 550

Durood Sharif Kay Heran Kun Inamat

Rs 837
Rs 837

Major Signs of Qiyamat

Rs 250
Rs 250

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Cart Totals

Subtotal Rs 78,651
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Total Rs 78,651

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